It’s true I do get lots of people ring and ask if I do Kitchen Duct Cleaning in Brisbane
Fact be known I have over 1500 Brisbane-based clients that are on my customer base.
So let me share with you some photos of perhaps my first real nasty Brisbane Duct Cleaning job.
The timeline was my first year in business around 17 years ago. Dont want to say the name of the venue but one of Brisbane’s more busy iconic commercial kitchens known for its steaks. Lots of steaks.
With a tight fit I managed to squeeze myself through the canopy’s filter hole into the void area that had never reached before. No one fault as they were extremely diligent in their health and cleaning procedures, they just never knew it could be done.
Although a small three-filter canopy I am not privy to share the volume of work compared to other Brisbane Hotels but I can only assume by my experience in the field it was at least double most good kitchens.
It took me two mornings of three-hour stints to get this ducting from black to bare metal. In fact, it was where I got my scraping technique right. From this point in time, I was placed on a two-monthly scheduled clean to ensure that this build-up did not happen again.
I am in a very large V canopy here. And as you can see, the previous canopy and duct cleaners have done what you perceived to be a pretty good job, but what they’ve done is just clean, well that is just a perception as they have only cleaned the easy to reach areas of this Brisbane Duct. So what would we have to do? We just show you the bits of the canopy and ducting that most other companies leave behind.
So if, we are looking up from the bottom can get a comparison of what ducting is clean and what part of the duct is not. Come take a peek this absolutely huge amounts of grease. As you can see its quite moist and very flammable. And if we get to the top part of the canopy you cant see there are absolutely more buckets of residual inflammable grease.
What I’m going to do now is climb up inside here and systematically clean all the way along the duct. And we’ll get another video down the track shot and get everything back to the middle. I have to say, although we are only cleaners, there is a great sense of satisfaction with the duct cleaning work that we do. We come to many jobs and are horrified with what we see and we walk away okay. And say, well, this isn’t too bad. Its certainly not for the faint hearted.
We Are Your Local Professional Kitchen Exhaust Duct Cleaning, Servicing The Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast And Brisbane Areas For Over Ten Years
Ring Cameron on 0414714948 for your free Fire Risk Analysis
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