A Noisy Kitchen Exhaust in Brisbane: Grease Busters Bring Some Long Overdue Love

A Noisy Kitchen Exhaust in Brisbane: Grease Busters Bring Some Long Overdue Love - kitchen exhaust cleaning Brisbane 2


Kitchen exhaust cleaning Brisbane: The restaurant owner of this kitchen exhaust fan in Cleveland, Brisbane rang me because of the excessive noise that was coming from the ducting and exhaust fan area. I knew that the problem would be the inline fan would be clogged with grease and affecting the flow. They have had another professional duct cleaning company maintaining their commercial kitchen and only assumed that this included the fan as well. How wrong were they



An inspection of this Brisbane kitchen canopy found it to be reasonably maintained but the cleaning work stopped once the canopy met the ducting. This meant that the ducting and fan had accumulated perhaps twenty years of residual grease that over this period of time. It had built up to quite a fire hazard.

A Noisy Kitchen Exhaust in Brisbane: Grease Busters Bring Some Long Overdue Love - kithcen exhaust cleaning brisbane

Although it have never been opened the access panel seals near the exhaust fan had deteriorated and residual grease was leaking onto the roof area of the commercial kitchen.  Although a nasty little job I sent one of the lads to fix it up. Cutting a larger access panel into the ducting near the exhaust fan allowed staff to reach in comfortably to the fan blades. As the picture depicts you can see there is a build-up of grease which was impeding the spin of the fan. To be honest it was a wonder that the fan had not blow all together

A Noisy Kitchen Exhaust in Brisbane: Grease Busters Bring Some Long Overdue Love - kitchen exhaust cleaning brisbane 1

Three hours later and a fifty-litre bucket full of grease. We were amazed a how quiet this kitchen exhaust fan was not running.  Some customers underestimate the importance of a regular kitchen exhaust cleaning  Brisbane schedule.

A recent new customer had to pay $5000 for a new fan and motor. The biggest hurt was the two days of downtime in which the kitchen could not be used. This amounted to over 10 K in lost profits. Prior preparation prevents long term disturbances to workflow

A Noisy Kitchen Exhaust in Brisbane: Grease Busters Bring Some Long Overdue Love - kithcen exhaust cleaning brisbane 3

We simply work our way up cleaning as we go. Or Start on the left side and work across. Generally most holes can be breached, fortunately, many of my staff are of the slight build so can get into many tight areas. Here is a quick video illustrating the kitchen exhaust cleaning. This ducting had a large access panel in place but no one had made use of it to clean it.

Many owners and in fact many contractors place duct cleaning low on their priority list. Sadly this leads to unnecessary costs down the track and downtime in the kitchen

If your venue is in the Gold Coast, Brisbane or Sunshine Coast area take a minute and Contact Cameron for your free fire risk assessment on 0414714948

Many new restaurant customers tell me that they are currently happy with the present work that they are receiving until I take a look inside and show them the areas that they don’t see. Sadly many contractors only clean the areas that you can see and leave the rest. what they leave is great amount of residual grease that once accumulated amounts to a fire hazard.

We are your local kitchen exhaust, duct and canopy cleaner, servicing Byron to Tweed, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane areas for over ten years

Ring Cameron on 0414714948 for your free Fire Risk Analysis of your kitchen exhaust cleaning Brisbane

Author bio

Cameron Monley is the charming and quirky mastermind behind the thriving commercial kitchen range hood cleaning business Grease Busters. With a warm and friendly personality, Cameron excels at building personal relationships with his clients. He takes the time to get to know each client on a personal level, understanding their unique needs and concerns. Cameron's commitment to exceptional customer service, combined with his expertise in kitchen duct cleaning, sets him apart from the competition. He is known for his kind and caring nature, as well as his professional approach to business. With Cameron at the helm, you can be confident that your kitchen canopies are in good hands. With over 18 years of experience in the commercial kitchen cleaning industry, Cameron has been wiping out grease and grime since 2005, leaving his clients with sparkling clean and safe kitchens



The Grease Busters difference